woensdag 13 november 2013

Beautiful Wednesdays: current beauty favorite

Hey guys, I hope you're having a beautiful wednesday!

It is a wonderful autumn day here in Utrecht, the sun is shining, it is not too windy and the sunlight makes all the yellow leaves on the trees look golden.

I decided to start a little series on my blog called 'Beautiful Wednesdays', you can already read quite a bit about recipes here, but I also enjoy buying and using new (or old) beauty favorites. That is why I've decided to upload a little review of my favorite beauty product every week!

This week it's a nail-polish. I've already confessed my love for the L'Oreal nail-polishes, but my love has only grown bigger since the last time I talked to you about them. As you might have read it was my birthday last sunday and once I'm 'past my birthday' christmas always feels so much closer! Is it too soon? Maybe. Do I care? Not really, because I found the perfect christmassy nail-polish:

The L'Oreal nailpolish #836 Scarlet Tinsel
Oh my, isn't that pretty? It's a nice fuchsia-pink-glitter and the glitters are really small. You need a couple of layers to cover your nail with glitter if you don't use a colored base-coat. I was afraid that would take too long so I painted my nails with Rimmel's 'lycra pro professional finish' in 402 in Urban Purple (which is not a purple but a fuchsia as well) first before I added a layer of the L'Oreal glitter. I've only just bought it so I'm not sure whether it will chip easily or not, but I will let you know next week!

This was really an impulse buy by the way, I travel to Amsterdam a couple of times a week by train to go to university and there is a little drugstore in the train-station. Every time I have to wait more than 5 minutes before I can board my train I end up going into the drugstore. I was only in for 3 minutes today and I still managed to buy something haha... Ah well, it got me in the Christmas mood!

What about you? Are you looking forward to the holidays, or do you think it's too soon? And what color nail-polish is your favorite at the moment?
