It's officially autumn, everything is grey, it's cold, I recovered from my first serious cold this season. Really, there is nothing else to mention. I did redecorate my room, it's not a very large room so it's always a challenge to mix things up, but I think I've managed to make it look completely different. Even though you don't know how it looked before, I've added some pictures to give you a glimpse :).
My desk and my couch/bed |
And now for the real topic of this post: I've seen so many tags passing along on youtube channels and one of them has inspired me. I don't like hearing myself talk so that is why I haven't started vlogging or making youtube videos, but I thought, why can't I join in on this tag craze? I love the topic and all of those videos look so cute! My post is inspired on the tag Ingrid from missglamorazzi did because I loved they way she changed it, so here you go: the sweater weather tag especially for you:
My favorite candle scent?:
I don't burn a lot of scented candles, I often find them too overpowering but there is one that I have been loving for almost a year now: it's the spring garden candle by rituals. It gives off a really warm and still fresh smelling Vetiver and Clary Sage scent. I've got it on my bedside table and every time I have a little quiet moment I like to burn it.
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My favorite candle, with a nice saying on the glass |
The candle on my cute bedside table |
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate?:
I like all three haha, but lately I've been drinking more tea than coffee with an occasional hot chocolate. I've been trying to cut back on my sugar and I can't bear to drink my coffee without sugar, but I do have a lot of tea-flavors that do very well without sugar. Currently I'm loving my Rooibos Cranberry loose tea, rooibos is very good for you and it is quite an interesting combination with the cranberry because I sometimes feel like it tastes a bit 'chocolaty' if you know what I mean... I love love love hot chocolate too but that is really a treat. My favorite hot chocolate comes in a carton from a Dutch brand, I think every country has their own hot chocolate brand, I also love the Danish chocolate milk 'Matilde' I think it's called, it's similar to the Dutch version. Very creamy, very chocolaty, very rich, too good to have it every day :P.
What is the best fall memory you have?
My birthday is in fall so obviously I have a lot of nice birthday memories that enter my mind every time I think of fall. When I was younger my family used to go to a family-house in the Ardennes in Belgium in september around my grandmothers birthday and I remember the old cold house and playing in the garden and going for walks in the woods and the smell of wood-fires. I've had a lot of fun times with my cousins there, so I guess that and my large collection of birthday-memories are my favorite fall memories.
Dark lips or winged eyeliner?
Winged eyeliner, for sure. It's something I do almost daily because I'm a huge liner-addict haha. I never wear dark lips actually and I have real problems discovering lipsticks that I really like... I always look almost 'over-done' when I wear it... Any tips?
Best fragrance for fall?
I have a problem choosing now, I have an all time favorite scent and one that I got recently and that I love as much as the first one, but the first one is more suited for fall and the other is more of an 'every day' kind of scent... My all time favorite scent is 'Love, Chloe', love the scent, love the bottle, love love love. The powdery scent is what I like about it so much, but I think that is what makes it better suited for colder times... it's a bit warmer and a bit more 'old fashioned' almost (in a good way). My newest scent is 'XX Hugo' by Hugo Boss. It's a lot lighter and fresher and not as heavy as Love, Chloe. Scents can really overwhelm me, that is why I don't wear the heavier Chloe scent every day.
My two favorite scents |
What is autumn weather like where you live?
It's cold and it's rainy. We do get a glimpse of sunshine every now or then, but I think the Netherlands is known for its rain, with reason. It's okay though, in winter it gets better ;).
The occasional nice morning |
Favorite thanksgiving food?
In the Netherlands we obviously don't celebrate thanksgiving, but we do celebrate Sinterklaas and Sinterklaas comes with it's own food and candy traditions. Sinterklaas is the Dutch way of saying 'Saint Nicholas', it is a saint of the children who according to Dutch legends lives in Spain and takes his boat the Netherlands every year for his 'birthday' on the 6th of december when he treats all the kids to presents and candy. Now I've given you the most basic introduction to Sinterklaas (I left a lot of crucial elements out to stay clear of any discussions), I can talk about the candy and cookies. The Sinterklaas candy is very sugar and marzipan heavy, I usually don't eat the candy. The cookies however, don't get me started about that! Sinterklaas and his helpers give out tiny little cookies called 'pepernoten' (spiced cookies with cinamon, clove and all those things). The plain ones are awesome but you can also get them covered in chocolate, covered in cappuccino flavor, chocolate truffle flavor... As you can imagine, I love them all. Click this link to find some more explanations about pepernoten and how to make them!
Most worn sweater?
My favorite sweater is a black/grey one with shimmery details. It's really warm and cozy and I usually just wear it with jeggings or black pants, but it has a zipper off center so it can look a bit more structured as well that is why I think it also looks really cool on a cute and girly dress! I have the biggest trouble finding sweaters I like, I always have the feeling they make me look so square... that's why I usually go for a button down or in this case a zip-down :).
Must have nail-polish this fall?
I actually did a post about nail-polish last week and I'm still in love with that look, it's a fuchsia-red-pink base with red/pink glitter on the top. It looks quite classic with already a little hit of festivity, I feel like it sparks up any outfit haha.
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My current favorite nailpolish |
Football games or jumping in a pile of leaves?
I'm not really a football/soccer fan (American football is really not very popular here in the Netherlands) but I do like to make the most out of fall weather. I love going out for a walk and when I'm at my parents place and we go walking in the woods there are more than enough leave-piles to jump in. So jumping in a pile of leaves anyday!
Skinny jeans or leggings?
Can I say both? I've got my favorite pair of Jeggings which is both a skinny jeans and a pair of leggings... It's black with a grey floral print, I hardly ever wear something with such a heavy print on my pants or skirts alone, but this one is just perfect, I would wear it every day if my boyfriend wouldn't get sick of it haha.
Combat boots or Uggs?
I'd say combat boots, I don't own a pair, and I do own a pair of Uggs, but I don't wear my Uggs anymore and I prefer the look of a nice pair of boots. However combat boots might be a bit too heavy for me... I really like ankle-booties, those are what I wear day to day. And with skirts I prefer higher suede boots, you can't go wrong with those.
Is pumpkin spice really worth the hype?
Eh what? Is the tag referring to the starbucks coffee? I think I've had it once this autumn (a skinny pumpkin spiced latte) and it is way too sweet for me, so no. I do like a bit of cinnamon on top of my cappuccino though, yummm. Or cinnamon in my hot chocolate <3
Favorite fall TV show?
Actually I haven't been watching any new series or TV shows, I've started watching the Gossip Girl seasons again on Netflix... Someone give me tip on what I should be watching instead? I'm not a big one for a lot of drama, either it has to be intriguing or funny for me to catch my attention.
What song really gets you in the fall spirit?
A really old one: 'The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreamin', ahhh I love that song!
Some more recent artists: I love Bastille, still. The new John Mayer album is pretty great too and when I need something more upbeat I put on the new Avicii album, I swear, every track on that album is a #1!
Soooo, I really hope you liked this post, please let me know if you enjoyed it, if I should do more of these tags and if you have any tips or trics for me leave a comment for me down in the comments box :).
Lots of love,
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