maandag 27 januari 2014

Barcelona Haul - clothes and souvenirs

Happy Monday everyone!

The week has started again and I thought it would be a good idea to give you some things to procrastinate with for a little while... after all, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you're enjoying those memories as much as I am enjoying mine.

As you might know, if you liked my facebook-page, I spent the weekend in beautiful Barcelona! It was close to perfect, the weather was great, the food was even better and spending some quality time with the Boyfriend was the best! If only there was a way to see the whole city without ruining your feet and back (and no, I refuse to go on one of those ridiculous busses, excuse me if you do).

Joost and me on the beach near Barcelona
As a food fanatic Barcelona was one of the best places to go to, I totally fell in love with the way people live and eat and everything that comes with it. I've got a couple great posts planned out for you guys that are food related, but those take a bit more planning and to be honest... I'm procrastinating myself, because I've got a test to study for... 

However, a little haul never hurt anybody, so let me show you what I scored in Barcelona. The first shop I went into is called Oysho. What attracted me were the sportsclothes that were hanging in the first part of the shop. It is not a brand I'm familiar with but they have so many cute things! Mainly underwear, sleep wear and sportswear but also some accessories. If I didn't have to save some money for food and rent for the rest of the month I would have spent it all in this shop, but in the end I only bought two things. The cutest house socks in the world and some bright hair clips! The socks are super soft on the inside and very long, I mean, they don't reach up to my knees, but halfway up my calves is still pretty long in my sock collection haha. They have one big sheep on each foot and then it looks like a landscape on the rest of the sock and on top you see blue sky with mountains. On the bottom it has slip-proof rubber dots so I can run around the house without falling down the stairs, score!

Cutest socks in the world!
I also bought these hair-clips because they were cheap and bright pink, they're a little bit contrasting with the colours I'm wearing at the moment but I think they'll look really pretty with my spring and summer clothes! 
One of a set of two hair-clips from Oysho
On friday we were planning to go to a club called Opium, Joost had some connections and managed to put us on some kind of guest-list (don't ask me how or what, that planning what to do was kind of Joost's department), but that meant we kind of had to dress up. I did bring a dress, but in the end I decided that I was in need of a new black skirt that I could dress up for going out, but also wear with a jacket and a blouse for something more formal. I bought this at Mango and it is part of the new collection I believe. Sorry the picture looks so wrinkly, it is kind of short but long enough to be decent and it is the tiniest bit longer in the back and rounded. Oh and it has pockets, which makes it even better!

My wrinkly skirt from Mango
And the last thing I bought was sort of a gimmick, there was this store called 'Happy Pills', which sounds a little bit doubtful but it was really cute. It's philosophy was that candy can make you happy and you could pick out your candy as if it was medicine. Then you put it in a little medicine jar and put your own sticker on it with prescriptions on it! The store was really cute with white and pink, but I wasn't allowed to take pictures of it... Luckily I did buy my own medicine ;). 

Happiness pills!
Besides some stockings that is all I bought, as you can imagine I spent more money on great tasting food (and some beers haha...), but I'm glad I found these treasures because they will remind me of the fun times I had in Barcelona :D.

I hope you liked this post, and I hope it didn't come as too much of a surprise that I didn't post anything for a couple of days. If it was, please check out my facebook-page so I can keep you updated about my blog! Please leave me a comment down below (or on my facebook page) and you can expect some more posts during the rest of the week about the great Spanish food I enjoyed the last couple of days ;). 

xxx Floor