zaterdag 1 februari 2014

Seasonal necessities: January

 Happy saturday everyone!

What a week what a week... First of all: wow! I have hit the 1000-visitors-in-one-month mark! That is insane... I think that is the first achievement I have reached with my blog, I know that for bloggers who have been doing this for a longer time it might not be a very big deal because they get 1000 visits from different people every day, but still: I am very proud! And thank you again for visiting my blog, it means a lot to me to know that there are people who are willing to read the things that I write :).

On my Facebook page (yes I have a Facebook page, if you look in the right bar, right above my photo you will see a Facebook-button that will take you to the page) I announced that when I would hit that first mark I would celebrate with some nice recipe this weekend, or to be more precise: today. And then this happened:

My mum's pie

I meant to bake and write about some scones today, but if my mom makes a carrot cake with coconut and a creamcheese topping it feels a bit... Too much to bake scones. But don't worry, I'll bake them tomorrow and take them to Utrecht and I'll give you the recipe to my perfect scones tomorrow night ;).

Today I treated myself to a pampering day, I had an exam on friday afternoon so I think I deserved one :P. Today I went shopping, had coffee with my best friend, I'm writing a blog post for you guys now and I'll be taking a nice hot bath tonight. I bought some things that are really fit for this season (and in fashion) so I thought you'd like to know what I got :). Below you see a picture of my friend Manouk haha, she was so happy with her (belated) birthday gift, and she said that she was kind of offended I hadn't talked about her on my blog yet: so here you go Manouk! :P

Coffee and cake with your best friend, always a treat!

The first thing I got was this handcreme trio, and guess what: it was free (hey, I'm Dutch, don't judge me)! L'occitane is a french company that originally made soap from marseille and products with lavender from the provence (as you might know, the provence is known for their lavender fields). Their products are quite high end, and everything is therefore of SUCH great quality! The hand cremes are super nourishing and you get three scents in a cute woolen cover. I already have two of the hand cremes (the 'normal' one with shea butter, and the one with cherry blossom scent) but the almond scent is new to me and very nice as well! I can absolutely recommend every product from this company, everything makes you feel like you're on a holiday in France. I just wish I had a bit more money to spend so I could buy some more of their products :). 

The second thing I bought was this shark T-shirt for Joost (if you're new here: my boyfriend). The past week he's been kind of... Dare I say it?... Obsessed... With the trend of very outspoken prints on clothing for men. Hawaii flowers, squirrels, sharks, anything goes for men apparently! And he went crazy for this shirt from Bershka with super cool sharks. Since he had to work he asked me to pick it up for him, and I also bought him something else, but I know he'll be reading this so I wont't write here what I got him ;). 

The shark t-shirt

Detail of the cool shark T-shirt

I also bought some bath foam that was intended for babies but I forgot to take a picture of it haha, but its a very mild scent and produces a lot of bubbles! I. Can't. Wait! I did go into Lush, I know a lot of beauty bloggers go crazy about Lush hauls, but sorry, I don't have enough money to spend €5 per bath... Too bad, so sad :P. Maybe if my blog gets  REALLY successful! 

I hope I have been able provide you with some entertainment, and if you have any tips for cheap, mild scented bubble producing bath products please write me a comment! If you just want to send me a random message: please feel free to leave me a comment as well, or tweet me, or send me a facebook message, whatever you like!

And again, thanks for reading my blog! 
Lots lof love, even more than usual!
Xxxx Floor